No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover
Dr. Glover covers the topic of the “Nice Guy Syndrome” and its origins, how “Nice Guys” actually aren’t that nice, and how their entrenched beliefs and behaviors sabotage them from living the life that they want to live. Throughout the book, he provides “Breaking Free Activities” that offer practical exercises for Nice Guys to begin changing their lives.
Iron John by Robert Bly
Bly examines men and the masculine through the mythopoetic tradition. Through looking at old tales and other cultures’ practices, Bly captures the importance of male initiation and the need for boys to be in nurturing relationships with men. Bly also takes the reader through a brief look at history and how he sees the Industrial Revolution as detrimental to the relationship between fathers and their sons.
The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida
Deida boldly dives into what it means to live, breath, and embody the divine masculine. Deida is direct and unapologetic in his assertion of the gift of the divine masculine. Deida also speaks to the gift of the feminine and the necessity of women testing men. Deida covers the importance of polarity in relationship between the masculine and feminine. A brief couple of chapters cover the topic of sexual transmutation and Taoist sexology that provide a brief intro to teaching men to cultivate their sexual energy instead of wasting it through ejaculation.
Cry Like a Man by Jason Wilson
Wilson talks about what it was like growing up Black in America, abandoned and abused by his father, raised by a single mother, and looking for much needed male affirmation in his life. Wilson also writes about the importance of helping Black men in America free themselves from emotional incarceration caused by familial, cultural, and societal conditioning. Wilson openly shares about his faith in God, and how God was critical to his own path.
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Olson lays out what he calls “the slight edge,” a set of philosophies and practices designed to help the reader build a solid foundation of self-discipline, accountability, and responsibility. The philosophies and practices are astonishingly simple, but very impactful and pay massive dividends if followed. In terms of the positive actions we choose to take in our lives, Olson regards them as “easy to do, easy not to do.”
Big Little Man by Alex Tizon
Tizon shares about his experiences growing up in America as a Filipino man. Tizon describes how his parents grappled with their own self-hate while lauding all things White and Western. Being an Asian man in America created in Tizon a deep sense of insecurity and inferiority in his masculinity. Tizon covers the shame and ways in which he attempted to compensate, how he viewed the world, and how others viewed him. This book can be a helpful resource for Asian men who wrestle with feeling confident in their own masculinity.
Silently Seduced by Kenneth Adams
Adams covers the controversial topic of covert incest: an emotionally bonded relationship formed typically as a consequence of divorce or one parent being emotionally unavailable to their partner, so the child becomes the surrogate partner. Adams highlights how men involved in emotionally incestuous relationships with their mother struggle to have healthy relationships with women in adulthood. They have trouble setting healthy boundaries due to feeling obligated to prioritize the needs of others above their own, struggle with immense guilt with their love and hate of their mothers, and often spiral into addictions to find separation and cope with their repressed emotions.
Absent Fathers, Lost Sons by Guy Corneau
Corneau writes about the father wound in many boys and middle-aged men. Corneau covers how the father wound damages men’s ability to experience intimacy with their partners, keeps men monogamous to their mothers, and leads to repressed aggression that manifests in patterns of self-loathing, scapegoating, blind worship, or sexually charged rage. Corneau emphasizes the task of the modern man is to be the father to themselves, to father their own inner boy, thus crossing the “second birth” and becoming a whole man.
Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
David Goggins is a retired navy seal and renown as the hardest man alive. But that wasn't always the case. In his book, Goggins takes the reader through the sewers from which he began life. In the pit of hell, Goggins learned to transmute his pain into mental fortitude, courage, and unstoppable drive. Goggins is a living testament to the power of the human spirit. Through challenges and tools such as the 40% rule, accountability mirror, and the cookie jar, Goggins will provide you the kindling to make a spark in your life. Feeding that flame is up to you.
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette
This book examines masculinity from a Jungian perspective utilizing the concept of the male archetypes of King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. Moore and Gillette emphasize the importance of initiation from boy psychology into man psychology and argue that what is labeled “toxic masculinity” is in fact immature masculinity, not mature masculinity. The archetypes reflect different qualities within the male psyche. Each has a shadow side and a light side. It is through integrating and balancing out these archetypes that a man fully embodies mature masculinity.
Finding Our Fathers by Samuel Osherson
Osherson describes how the “unfinished business” men have with their fathers impacts every facet of their professional, social, and personal life. Osherson lists how different types of fathers (e.g. the angry father, the weak father, etc) impact their sons. What sons lacked and wanted in their fathers becomes projected onto the other men in their life (e.g. boss, mentor, etc). When asked about their fathers, many men exhibit a level of indifference or anger, underneath which lives a deep well of grief and longing. Osherson provides guidance on ways men can begin to resolve this conflict within themselves.
The Masculine in Relationship by GS Youngblood
GS goes into great detail on what true masculine strength looks like in relation to the feminine. It is inevitable that a woman will test her man. This isn’t to make life difficult for him, but to challenge him to become the highest expression of a man he is meant to be. GS provides practical embodiment practices to teach men how to regulate their nervous systems when they feel overwhelmed by the intensity of emotion their woman brings to him. Too many men attempt to fix or engage from the intellect; what she needs is your physical and emotional presence. Men who can respond vs react, provide structure, and create safety will inspire the trust, lust, and devotion their woman longs to give him. It is not freely given, but must be battle tested.
Men’s Organizations
The Fearless Man
“The Fearless Man is a personal growth and development site that helps men push through fear, live courageously and get high impact results in all areas of their lives. FEARLESS brings out clients' confidence and connection skills from their core so they can succeed at elite levels and build their true dream life.” They have a Youtube channel with plenty of high quality free content. A great resource for men interested in coaching around dating and approaching women.
Mankind Project
The Mankind Project (MKP) is a non-profit organization devoted to building community for men. They are most known for their experiential training titled, “New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA)” which is a training that can be considered a male rites of passage or initiation. They also offer I-groups or Integration Groups that connect men before and after the NWTA for continued support and personal/communal work. MKP is a global organization and has locations in 21 nations.
Illuman is non-profit organization “for men who are simply interested in becoming better, more authentic men.” Illuman offers retreats for men interested in participating in ritual experiences designed to allow men to explore who they are, what matters most to them, and connect with other men.
Evryman is an organization that seeks to connect men and take away the stigma men have around emotions and vulnerability. They offer local groups to connect men, weekend retreats, wilderness expeditions, and leadership training.
Sacred Sons
Sacred Sons aims to “help men heal and awaken to their true power through circles, workshops, retreats, and online courses.” “We utilize the power of ceremony, ritual, and intentional spaces to deepen into authentic brotherhood and catalyze growth in men.” They seek to break the myth of the lone wolf mentality in men. They also have a podcast.