To The Men Stuck In Red Pill Rage & Cynicism
You are not responsible for how a woman (or women) have treated you.
You are responsible, however, for how you treat yourself and others in spite of your experiences.
It makes sense that you have reasons for your cynicism. Perhaps you’ve experienced the deep heartbreak of betrayal. Perhaps you were treated in absolutely deplorable ways by women.
Or maybe you’ve put your best foot forward only to find yourself friendzoned over and over.
Yet the armor of cynicism is an illusion.
It might protect one from feeling disappointed by the external, but it inflicts internal pain.
You might not ever be hurt by a woman again, but the price you pay is a numb heart that begins to forget how to give and receive.
At the expense of not feeling hurt by women, cynicism ensures that a man will die a slow death of not enjoying life.
He’ll fill the void with things that function as a temporary analgesic to the self-inflicted pain of sealing off his heart. He might even host a podcast.
To the men who seek desperately to impress upon the world the right to be cynical, you have every right to do so.
However, I will not elect for cynicism to assuage your sense of entitlement to make your bed there.
If you come to me I will tell you the truth.
A woman may be able to hurt you.
She may cause great heartbreak to you. Yet, even at her worst she cannot tarnish your essence.
She cannot destroy your heart. Only you can do that.
Only you can curse your heart and say, “I will never open this again.”
When we feel pain, our mind magnifies it.
Mind reads it as a threat in order to get you to do something about it.
With heartbreak, cynicism is the way mind thinks to protect itself, which ironically keeps it stuck.
It conditions your mind to keep looking for pain because it has marked pain as important.
What is marked as important becomes focused on more.
That pain then gets linked to desire, which feels painful.
Men then start to not only hate the object of their desire, they begin to hate their own desire.
The desire of your heart will not be silenced.
Hating your desire or hating the object of your desire will not make it go away.
The purpose of desire is to have your heart cracked open by it.
You might get what you want, you might not.
But it is through the cracks that the light of wisdom and love can then enter.
Great is the man who can surrender to being cracked open by the desires of his heart.
He is the man who can appreciate & admire a woman without needing to have her.
The greatest gift is realizing that a woman reflects back to you how much love you have to give.
It is an act of courage and the highest masculine honor to give your all.
This is what it looks like when a man awakens to his highest potential - to fully give of himself to the world from a place of absolute abundance.
He remembers his essence.
This is what is at stake when a man steeps himself in cynicism.
Dare to fully give of yourself as a man and you can be sure that some men will mock and ridicule you as naive and foolish.
Let them chatter.
Let the armchair cynics enjoy their illusion of comfort versus actually engaging with women.
Great is the man who can open his heart after heartbreak and shine his light even more.
He is the one who realizes the indestructible nature of his heart.
He is the one who knows what it means to die a thousand deaths only to rise stronger each time.
He is the one who inspires the love and adoration of women.
Life can’t help but romance him.
It was never about having a woman.
It was never about not getting hurt.
It was always about remembering your brilliance and warmth as a man that shines like the sun.